Future proof your skin
It is possible to achieve the skin you’ve always wanted with treatments aimed at the specific concerns you have, and products which are carefully prescribed to support them. Enjoy a range of light treatments, cosmetic injectables and topical applications aimed at restoring, enhancing and rejuvenating your skin, minimising unattractive veins and doing away with hair in the places we don’t want it! At Skin on Allendale, Christine adheres to a personal mantra of “quality, integrity and results” when combating the signs of ageing, addressing unsightly blemishes, contouring and hair removal. Your skin matters, and you deserve it to look the best it can. Just which treatment options you require will be advised by Christine after close consultation.
Have you got a pale, dull complexion, environmental sun damage or pigmentation, fine facial lines or wrinkles, or acne?
If the answer is yes, then peels are for you. Peels have helped to rejuvenate skin as far back as the ancient Egyptians. However, gone are the days of harsh peels where people went into hiding to recover. Now, they are controlled and prescribed for what you specifically wish to achieve. There are some peels which work at a deeper level – your current skincare routine and skin’s reactivity will be assessed before any treatment to ensure the correct peel for you and your skin type is prescribed.
Tell me about the treatment
During the peel you will experience a tingly sensation as the liquid is carefully applied to your skin. A superficial peel takes away the top layer of cells. As a natural response, your skin layer is programmed to react to this by producing fresh, new skin cells revealing a beautiful radiant complexion, and an altogether fresher and smoother look and texture.
With medium peels the activity is deeper which means you get new collagen and elastic fibres too. This can be a great help for wrinkles and lines, brown spots and pigmentation, but may result in more redness and peeling so you may wish to take some time out of your work or social life. Some short term darkening of the skin before it peels may occur, and on rare occasions, areas of permanently increased or decreased skin colour after treatment may result. This is only a risk with darker skin tones and will be discussed with you.
What areas can be treated?
Our necks and chests are a real giveaway of our age and lifestyle, and are often neglected in our skincare routines. Peels are a wonderful way to rejuvenate the neck and chest area, and restore a beautiful texture. They may help rid you of ages spots and wrinkles too. Light peels have very little discomfort or sensation, medium peels a little more. However both are over very quickly, and knowing that after a couple of weeks you’ll be revelling in a beautiful new skin is definitely worth it.
Who can’t have a chemical peel?
If you may be pregnant, avoid chemicals. Some people have skin that is susceptible to colour changes with just about any inflammation or injury, so this should be discussed with Christine who may advise a light (superficial) peel, which tends to be acceptable for all skin types.