Frequently Asked Questions

What is appearance medicine?
Put simply, appearance medicine is the practice of treating appearances with medical treatments. Looking great makes us feel great and today, we can take charge of our skin safely and effectively, using medical grade products and treatments to revive and rejuvenate, address skin pigmentation, acne and other skin disorders, restore volume and minimise lines and wrinkles. At Skin on Allendale, Christine uses only the very best, safest and carefully sourced products, approved medical treatments and equipment to achieve outstanding results.

What exactly is Dysport®?
Dysport® is a protein extracted from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The protein was initially used for the treatment of motor disorders and various kinds of involuntary muscular spasms, including cerebral palsy. It was further developed to treat a wide variety of neuromuscular disorders, for which it is licensed in over 60 countries. In New Zealand, Dysport® has registration approval under the Medicines Act for the treatment of frown lines and for excessive sweating under the armpits. In over 30 years of use in medicine, there have never been any reported serious allergic reactions and with such longevity we can say with certainty that there are no long term side effects. The most important thing to remember is that this treatment is non-permanent and very safe. The product is metabolised at the injection site and does not spread to any other parts of the body.

Are there any side effects and risks with Dysport®?
Along with its desired effects, treatments can cause unwanted effects. This does not happen very often. The most common side effects are temporary soreness or mild bruising around the injection site. Some may experience a slight headache that lasts for a few hours after treatment; it is safe to take a mild pain killer to relieve this. In a very small percentage of cases there can be a complication called "ptosis" (a drooping eyelid) which may last a few days or up to four weeks. Rarely, an allergic reaction can cause a skin rash or "flu like" symptoms. Tell your doctor if you experience any troublesome side effects.

*You should not have Dysport® treatment while you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or at all if you have a neuromuscular disease.

Who can provide treatment with Dysport®?
Dysport® is a prescription medicine containing 500 units of Clostridium botulinum type A toxin-haemagglutinin complex. It should be administered only by medical professionals, who have an excellent understanding of the muscles and expressions of the face and the skill to retain your natural expression while removing the signs of ageing.

Do I need an initial consultation?
Having a free consultation prior to commencing treatments, is a good idea as it allows Christine to carefully asses your skin and prescribe a treatment plan, aligned with your desired outcome and budget.

Ensuring your comfort
Some treatments may have a low level of discomfort associated. Christine is very aware of this and will administer numbing creams prior to treatment, as necessary. Post care instructions are always given.

Confidentiality is of the utmost importance at Skin on Allendale and Christine fully understands the desire to protect your health and beauty secrets. Enjoy the private surrounds of the clinic which includes discreet parking. Sometimes Christine likes to take before and after photos to allow her to carefully track your skin’s progress, but only with your approval.

Can I use medical insurance?
No, medical insurance does not cover cosmetic treatments.

How can I book?
Please text Christine directly and she can then allocate the correct amount of time required for your personalised treatment.

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